This only covers amines where the functional group is not attached directly to a benzene ring. There is a link towards the bottom of the page to a separate section about phenylamine (aniline) if you are interested.

Background . . .

An introduction to amines including the various types of amine (primary, secondary and tertiary) and their physical properties.

Preparation of amines . . .

Their preparation from halogenoalkanes (haloalkanes or alkyl halides) and from nitriles.

Amines as bases . . .

The importance of the lone pair on the nitrogen in the reactions of amines as bases. Their reactions with acids, water and copper(II) ions.

Amines as nucleophiles . . .

The importance of the lone pair on the nitrogen in the reactions of amines as nucleophiles. Their reactions with halogenoalkanes (haloalkanes or alkyl halides), with acyl chlorides (acid chlorides) and with acid anhydrides.

The reaction of amines with nitrous acid (nitric(III) acid) . . .

The use of nitrous acid in testing for amines.

Information about phenylamine (aniline) . . .

The preparation and physical and chemical properties of the aromatic amine, phenylamine (aniline). This section also includes the preparation and properties of diazonium salts.

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