Background . . .

An introduction to the alkenes, their reactivity and their physical properties.

Making alkenes . . .

Making alkenes in the lab from alcohols.

Hydrogenation . . .

The reaction between alkenes and hydrogen.

Reactions with halogens . . .

The reactions with chlorine and bromine, including the test using bromine water.

Reactions with hydrogen halides . . .

The reactions with compounds such as hydrogen chloride and hydrogen bromide.

Reaction with sulphuric acid . . .

The reaction between alkenes and concentrated sulphuric acid (including further reaction to give alcohols).

Reaction with potassium manganate(VII) . . .

The reaction between alkenes and potassium manganate(VII) (potassium permanganate) solution.

Hydration . . .

The industrial hydration of alkenes (their reaction with water) to give alcohols.

Polymerisation . . .

The polymerisation of alkenes, including some uses of the polymers formed.

Making epoxyethane . . .

The manufacture of epoxyethane (old name: ethylene oxide) from ethene, including its uses.

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